Friday, April 2, 2010

It’s hard to argue when you won’t stop making sense – Volume 2

I’ve got a couple more hmmmmmm…’s for ya. I see these next few signs on my trips to see friends and family and it confirms why so many people think Texans are weird. Well, because we just are! And we like it! Because after all…Texas is the greatest state in the nation! The U.S. had to beg us to join their little gang of rebellious, tricorne-toting hoodlums. And because of this greatness, we get to fly our state flag at the same height as the U.S. flag…and we can be weird and get away with it! (The following can all be found on Hwy. 290 between Houston and Austin.)

Donut Shop AND Seafood Kitchen? Giddings, Texas

This restaurant (?) thankfully is no longer open. I guess people realized when their morning bearclaw always tasted more like crawfish than raisins, they decided to pass. But could you imagine the possibilities around 11 a.m.! That time right in between breakfast and lunch? You and your workmates go out and you walk into this place for lunch… You’ve got options! Donuts on the left? Or seafood on the right? Hmmm…I wonder if they take requests: fried alligator fried in the apple fritter batter! Mmmm…

Lamar sign Brenham, Texas

Lamar should give a raise to the marketing/sales genius who came up with this sign found just west of Brenham. I mean seriously…how do you con a model into posing for a sign that says in huge letters “I am SO available”? Does she have no pride? No sense of self-worth? Or was she duped into it like Joey was duped into the VD ad on this episode of Friends (classic first season episode 9):


Beaver Believer Giddings, Texas

Here’s another gem out of Giddings. Everyone loves Buc-ee’s, right? But why? Is it their extensive selection of homemade beef jerky? The fact that they carry that special Dr Pepper? Hmmm… Actually it’s because we like to believe in long-lost, mythical creatures who wore red ball caps once known as beavers. What? Did they really need to go that direction? If you’re like me, you’re wondering if this was really necessary. Either way you respond to the huge billboard—highly inappropriate use of advertising space or strong store pride—you beaver believe Texans love their Buc-ees! Ha! Get it? Beaver! Instead of better?! I crack myself up…

I was able to run a 9.6-miler today around lunchtime and felt great, even though I thought I had run a 10-mile route…more on that issue on a future post once I GET MY GARMIN! I really fell into my groove around mile four and just trucked along in the ridiculously warm weather. I’m gonna die when summer gets here. Honestly. Or else be forced to find an area of the world where it’s not illegal to run without clothing.

1 comment:

  1. hmmm...i'm guessing running without clothing may hurt..ha! just saying!

    and does the nike sports band not work well enough, or what happened to that .4 of a mile?! :) totally want one, but not if it's not accurate enough!!
